CCM & CXM Solutions


Customer Communication Management Solutions Incorporate ADFs

Production and output management systems have existed since print operators first used computer systems to produce output. When the customer communications industry's use of highspeed print equipment grew from measuring impression counts in the hundreds to thousands, operational requirements necessitated optimizing the management and control of print and pre and post-print workflow processes. In 1996 Gartner coined the term Automated Document Factory (ADF) to represent an architecture and set of processes to manage the creation and delivery of mission-critical, high-volume digital documents. In 2007, Gartner updated their definition of the term to what became known as ADF 2.0.

In 2009, Gartner Group and Forrester Research began publishing industry reports describing Customer Communications Management (CCM) as the strategy to improve the creation, delivery, storage, and retrieval of outbound communications to describe new industry software offerings and features coming to market. The industry embraced what CCM represented, transforming the term beyond a strategy to become a multi-billion dollar industry of products and services.

Gartner Automated Document Factory vs ADF 2.0

The industry's evolution from ADF to CCM expands the scope beyond simply delivering a communication to the customer instead of a document. It represents the customer as being centric to the purpose of the interaction and not the document. Modern business strategies have continued to build upon these initial communications management strategies to incorporate all aspects of the customer from customer onboarding, customer journey mapping, customer experience, and customer retention strategies.

CCM solutions designed by Quantre incorporate our ADF and operational experience from our team's experience custom designing and building ADFs before commercial options became readily available. Quantre now modernizes CCM solution designs, incorporating the latest industry-proven customer-centric strategies, Quantre's operationally proven processes, and commercially available industry solutions.

Is your organization considering a CCM or ADF modernization project? Our previous experience as product owners, CCM Solution Designers, process engineers, solution architects, and technical architects will become your team's experience with Quantre Solutions on your team! Quantre is ready to provide resource support to deliver "Quantifiable Results" for your CCM modernization project.

If you would like to learn more, complete the web form below or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

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